Our mission is to serve older adults and others with limitations teaching ways for them to improve their quality of life.
WHAT IS "Easy Yoga Plus!"
"Easy Yoga Plus!" is a program trademarked in Wisconsin in 2018 and recommended for older adults and others who do not find traditional yoga accessible. It is easy, slow, and safe. Evidence-based research has been instrumental in defining aging conditions and how yoga should be modified to be both safe and beneficial.
"Easy Yoga Plus!" teaches the nervous system, muscles, and joints new ways to move and let go of tension. Because it is slow and focused, the student has time to become aware of his/her body and the muscle sensations.
The Plus! includes helpful insights into daily routines, falls prevention, and modification of poses for those with limitations. Educational information, affirmations, visualization, yoga philosophy, inspiring stories, poems, and quotes keep classes fresh and interesting.
What is SOMATICS - "Soma" means body. Somatic flows are slow conscious ways of moving muscles and muscle groups that helps the student focus on sensations in the body (soma). The goal is to retrain the brain to connect with the muscle and joint movement to totally relax the muscles, letting go of tension.
Somatic yoga focuses on "somatic flows" that help reduce and/or eliminate chronic pain, which is often caused by habitual movement patterns that do not allow muscles to completely relax. Over time tension in the muscles leads to the recurring chronic pain. The flows are quite simple and easy, but amazingly effective. In late 2021, somatic flows were added to classes.
Meet students where they are and teach ways for them to learn how to become more aware of body sensation and use that knowledge to improve their wellbeing.
Brava Magazine article.
Click below to read the article.